Inner Light Youth Academy 

Inner Light Youth Academy is an after-school, theater training program. We believe that in today’s society, it is more important than ever for students to have a sense of community, and a place where they can express themselves creatively, while being challenged and encouraged to reach their full potential. Inner Light’s mission is to teach real-life lessons as well as character development through the teaching of the arts. The students in ILYA will learn how to:

● Become part of a team as they learn the importance of a cast.

● Think creatively as they flesh out their roles and learn the art of character development.

● Communicate effectively and develop their skills in storytelling.

● Be compassionate and support one another.

● Contribute to their community by utilizing their talents to benefit others.

● Discover what makes them unique and special, their inner light!

From our experience in children’s community theater, we have learned that the biggest take away for our students is the life skills. The things they learn that translate into the outside world. Do they all become famous singers and actors? No, not everyone will. That’s not what it's about. It’s about committing to a craft, becoming your best, learning excellence as an artform and taking that into your everyday life. It’s about what you can become, not just as an artist, but as a person in this world. At Inner Light Family Theatre, our education program is based around The Six C’s of Theatre in Real Life. Coming out of Your Shell, Collaborating, Communicating, Constructive Criticism, Creating and Community Building. Our goal is to inspire these actions within every student who comes through our program.

COMING OUT OF YOUR SHELL - Theatre is great for the wallflowers of the world, those that feel uncomfortable in their own skin, or those who feel they don't have anything to say. It encourages students to emerge from the shell they've been hiding in. It gently pulls them out of their comfort zone by giving them a character to immerse themselves in and a script or song to hide behind until they feel comfortable using their own words.

COLLABORATING - In Theatre, it is essential for everyone to work together. Whether blocking a scene, learning a dance or figuring out harmonies, students are forced to interact while they build something beautiful together.

COMMUNICATING - In Theatre, we tell stories. And no story can be told without effective communication. Students are encouraged to learn the story they are telling inside and out. Once they have it in their head, it can make its way to their heart. And once their story is alive in their head and heart, it's able to come out of their mouth and be communicated in a beautiful way to their audience.

CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM - To properly and healthily function in the real world, we must be able to take criticism from those in leadership and from our peers. But it's not always easy. Theatre teaches students to give and take criticism in a constructive way. They learn by doing, And with each acting choice, vocal decision, and dance step they take, there is room for critique, room for change, and room for growth.

CREATING - Anything in the world that we have the opportunity to enjoy was created by someone. An idea that didn't just stay an idea. But was moved through every stage of development until something real was formed by someone's creativity. Theatre helps students learn to create. To look at a blank stage and see what it could be. To hear a melody and feel the lyrical story that can accompany it. To take a role and completely make it their own. To paint a moving picture on stage through choreography. Through dance, song and scene, we create. We create feelings. We create ambience. We create magic!

COMMUNITY BUILDING - In the real world, having a community is important. It's the difference between feeling alone and feeling at home. Theatre helps kids find a community of people just like them. They don’t have to face challenges alone. Everyone in their community is preparing for the same roles, same auditions, etc. It gives them a tight knit community to invest in and grow in. To be a part of something bigger than themselves.